P2P DeFiBookie Interface

Connect your wallet to start betting across livestream, custom or private bets and join raffles.

Wallet Icon

View LIVE Bets

Here you can view all open LIVE bets. Click 'Refresh Open LIVE Bets' to update the list.

Join LIVE Bet

To join an admin-created LIVE bet, enter the Bet ID and click 'Join LIVE Bet'.

View Custom Bets

Here you can view all open custom bets. Click 'Refresh Open Bets' to update the list.

Join Bet

To join an open bet, enter the Bet ID and click 'Join Bet'.

Create Bet

Enter a description, the amount in ETH/BNB, and a deadline for your bet, then click 'Create Bet'.

Open Raffles

Here you can view all open raffles. Click 'Refresh Open Raffles' to update the list.

Join Raffle

Enter the Raffle ID you wish to join and the entry amount, then click 'Join Raffle'.

My Bets

To view bets you are in, click 'Refresh My Bets'.

Propose Outcome

If you're part of an ongoing bet, enter the Bet ID, select an outcome, and click 'Propose Outcome'.

Get Funds

To retrieve your winnings, enter the Bet ID and click 'Get Funds'.

Cancel Bet

To cancel a bet you initiated and that hasn't started, enter the Bet ID and click 'Cancel Bet'.

Completed Bets

To view your completed bets, click 'Refresh Completed Bets'.

Admin Panel

For administrators: To resolve a disputed custom bet, enter the Bet ID, choose the outcome, and click 'Resolve Dispute'.

Create LIVE Bet

Enter the amount in ETH, deadline, and a description for your live bet, then click 'Create Admin Bet'.

Resolve LIVE Bet

Enter the Live Bet ID and select the winner, then click 'Resolve Bet'.

Create Raffle

Enter maximum users, entry amount in ETH, and a description for your raffle, then click 'Create Raffle'.

Draw Raffle Winner

Enter the Raffle ID for which you want to draw a winner, then click 'Draw Winner'.

Change Fee Rates

Change Livestream via URL